by Rizo Leong
This work highlights the various ingredients required to resolve issues—like unique, irreplaceable pieces of a puzzle.
With the right ingredients, or support system, an idea can overcome any obstacle. And these obstacles instead become opportunities to exercise and to develop our creativities.
Such is the way of resourcefulness—to make do with what you have, even if what you have is an obstacle.
While thinking outside the box is often trumpeted as necessary for discovering solutions, applying that outside-the-box thinking to simply what is inside the box is an approach far more effective.
True to the artist’s style, and resourcefulness, the work consists of a series of individually crafted woodcut prints, pasted and weatherproofed onto the pillar surface.
Rizo is a cultural worker based in Sabah who specialises in printmaking.
He has been on a mission to create opportunities for youths to practice creativity while increasing their standard of living through economically advantageous artistic skills.
Rizo believes that the spirit of gotong-royong (a Malay word denoting teamwork or cooperation, especially used in the context of communal work) builds a harmonious, competent and independent society.