by Christian Aaron Julius
Adaptability is about flexibility, and ultimately, about survival.
Adaptability is particularly important within the context of community. And according to Charles Darwin:
“It is not the strongest
of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent;
it is the one most adaptable to change.”
The chameleon depicts the individual. In order to find safety, the individual adapts. In doing so, the individual requires a heightened sense of awareness, ever-vigilant, constantly engaging in self-assessment and self-improvement. Not only does this serve to benefit the individual, but for the community as a whole.
The mushrooms demonstrate their own kind of adaptability: resilience. The ability to recover and to return, despite the disturbances and difficulties faced. While the chameleon’s camouflage can help it to blend in, to be disguised, such self-limiting adaptability detracts from community diversity. The true strength of adaptability is found not at the expense of one’s own individuality. Rather, it is found when it actively facilitates such uniqueness, therefore preserving the community’s rich diversity.
Christian Aaron, or Chris, began to develop his interest in art during secondary school, and chose to dig even deeper by pursuing art at University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF).
Exploring oil paints, spray paints and pencil, his works often focus on portraiture and realism, as inspired by Rembrandt.